"It's when things get rough and you don't quit that success comes." - Unknown

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Side of the Road

Fun fact about me - I get migraines. Okay, it's not really a fun fact, more of an annoyance that I've dealt with since high school. Both my sisters had them, but apparently basically grew out of them after high school. Mine just decided to increase in frequency after high school. Well, after moving across the country, mine decided to really take it up a notch. I was getting one every weekend, like clockwork. I was starting to get really frustrated with this. I tried to chalk it up to all the new stresses that I was putting on myself, but it wasn't helping. The other day, I was driving home from work. I had left at just the right time in order to hit major traffic. I knew I was in it for at least an hour and a half and there wasn't much I could do about it. Then the migraine decided to settle in. I can tell when I'm going to have a bad one. One that will take me out for the day. I didn't have anywhere to go. I was in the middle of traffic, in the rain. I thought to myself, if I get nauseated, I can at least pull off to the side of the freeway, whereas if I'm off the freeway, there really aren't any options for me to pull over as the East doesn't believe in shoulders on the road. I made it to the point where I was exiting the freeway. This meant about another 15-20 minutes before I got home. I kept thinking to myself, "just make it home, just make it home." I didn't make it home. Sadly, I am no stranger to pulling over to the side of the road and puking. This has happened a handful of times in my life. I barely made it off the road, didn't even get my car in park, opened my door and out it came. It was raining and here I was, on the side of the road with half my body hanging out the side of my car. I sat there for a minute and tried to calm down as I was hanging my head in the rain. Then I heard, from across the road, "are you okay?" Ugh....someone had decided to be nice. That's wonderful and all, but I don't like people seeing me in this state. I usually start crying, which I had at this point. All I could do was raise my head, say I was fine and close my door. Then I continued on my way home. I got home about 10 minutes later. My sweet husband knew I had been in the bulk of traffic. He got up to welcome me home and I just held my hand out and said, "I'm going to brush my teeth, I just threw up on the side of the road." And that was my wonderful evening in traffic.

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