"It's when things get rough and you don't quit that success comes." - Unknown

Monday, August 30, 2010


A couple of weeks ago I took a break from running and got to go backpacking with my dad, his friend and his grandson. Yes, I was the only girl, but my dad is still gracious enough to take his grown daughter backpacking with him, so I was excited. I guess it's not really considered a break from running because after hiking 6 miles with a 30lb. pack on my back, I basically feel the same as I do after running 15 miles. We left Thursday morning and set out for the Uintahs. We got to the trailhead and ate lunch before embarking on our journey. It's been 4 years since I've been backpacking, but I didn't remember it being quite as cool as we started off. The clouds were rolling in and I figured we'd get rain eventually, just didn't think it would be so soon after we started. We began our trek and about 45 minutes later the rain started. This is what it looked like.

This picture doesn't really do it justice. I don't know if you can tell, but it was raining in this picture, so we were hiking in the mud. There were a couple times that it just started pouring and we had to seek shelter under some trees to wait and see if it would let up. About an hour before we got to the campsite, it stopped raining. So, we didn't have to set up camp in the rain, so that was good. This is what it looked like when we got to camp.

That night was cold. 30 degrees. Yes, I said 30 degrees. I was shivering the entire night. My feet were still cold from hiking in the day before and didn't warm up until that afternoon.

Yes, that is frost that you see. It was a very cold night. The rest of the trip was great though. We hiked to a few lakes that day and they were gorgeous! I love the mountains. Here are some pictures:

My dad pointing to his GPS that is showing he made it to 11,000 feet.

Fishing at the lake by our campsite

And just to show that it doesn't always rain while backpacking, this is what it looked like as we hiked out on Saturday. It was a great trip. Thanks dad, for letting me tag along. Hope it's not another four years before I get to go again.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Cool mornings?

I haven't been running for a week and a half. I know, slacker! As I've driven to work in the mornings, they have been nice and cool. Around 65 degrees. And whenever I notice how cool it is, I think to myself, 'this would be a great morning to go running.' Well, it was my day off today, so I figured I needed to go out for a short run. Don't worry, it was already 83 degrees by the time I started, 7:30. What happened to these cool mornings we've been having. I guess that's what I get for not running for a week and a half. And I won't be going this weekend because I'm going backpacking! So excited. It will be great.

P.S. One month from today is the marathon! It's getting close.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

18 miles

I went running this morning. 18 miles. Holy crap! And I still have 8.2 miles to go. I drove my route last night to make sure it would be 18 miles. I didn't want to short myself. It was a depressing drive, seeing how far I would have to go. Two more long runs before this marathon. I started early. I had seen lots of lightning in the southeast skies. I figured I would get rained on. But I had my phone with me, in case I had to have someone come rescue me. I was actually secretly hoping for a down pour because I really didn't think I would be able to make this 18 mile trip. It would have been a good excuse if I had been soaked and there was a threat of being hit by lightning. But to no avail. I had to go forward with my run. I got sprinkled on, but no hard rain. The first few miles were kind of tough for me. I guess I just didn't have my run on this morning. Or it was because I knew I had another 15 miles to go and didn't know how I was going to finish it. But once you're out, you can't really turn back. I got to about mile 14 and my legs didn't want to work anymore. My hips hurt, my feet hurt, my body was thinking I was crazy. I ended up walking quite a bit, but I did finish. I ran out of water around mile 13-14. There are no gas stations or anything like that in the last 4-5 miles of my route. So, I couldn't stop in and get some water. Needless to say, I was walking the last few miles. And also, I was hurting. I'm sure I will feel it more tomorrow. I hope I'll be able to walk. Next long run is 20 miles! Holy shiz.
And can I just give some driving etiquette for running weather:
-Runners usually run against traffic (so we can see the cars coming). If you are driving and coming out of a side street, please look both ways so you don't run us over. We'd appreciate it. We see you, but can't always tell if you see us.
-Asphalt is softer than cement. If there is a sidewalk, but enough room on the shoulder, we will most likely run on the shoulder. It's easier on the joints.
-If you see a runner waiting for a light and you want to turn, please wait for the runner. It's not fun when you cut us off because you are in too much of a hurry to wait a few seconds.
-Share the road! If there isn't traffic coming in the other direction, move over a little. It's scary enough to have cars come at you, but when you move closer to us, that's even worse. Especially on a narrow road. Watch the windy roads too! We try to be careful, but cutting the corner short, you may hit us.
-It's nice weather, there will be lots of runners out (at any given time of the day), please be aware of us! We will not win in a battle against a car.
Thanks for listening and please be aware! Bikers, runners, walkers, share the road!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Upcoming events

I'm signed up for a few more running events in the next few months. Obviously the big one is my first marathon in September, but I have signed up for my first 10K, in October, as well. Funny that I will have done my first marathon before I do my first 10K race. Oh well, I'm still doing it. I am also going to be running in the Las Vegas Ragnar Relay at the end of October. That is a 24 hour relay race. I did it for the first time last year and it was awesome! I'm looking forward to doing it again. It's so fun! Anyone want to join me for the 10K race? It's an all women event. It's going to be great! :) By the end of this year I will have done a triathlon, marathon, 10K and a ragnar relay! Maybe more if I decide to sign up.