"It's when things get rough and you don't quit that success comes." - Unknown

Monday, August 20, 2018


I moved from the city to the country life. Moving to the country has some changes that come with it. Let me preface this with the fact that we have chickens and pigs. Well, my husband had chickens and pigs, which means I inherited them. Speaking of those changes....I was startled awake just before 1 this morning by chickens squawking. Will jolted out of bed and immediately left the room and ran downstairs. He had turned on the large spotlight that overlooked the barn. Naturally, I got out of bed and watched from the window, as I had no idea what was happening. I saw him grab a shovel from the barn and hit it against the tractor (to hopefully scare away any animal that may be out there). There's a tree that blocks the view of the chicken coop, so I couldn't see much. I crawled back in bed and just listened. I heard the chickens for a few minutes and then I heard him come back inside. When he came back to bed I asked him what happened. We forgot to close the chickens tonight. They know to go into the coop when it gets dark, but there is a little door to the coop that usually gets locked at night. As well as the door to the coop (they have a little area that they can walk around and not be roaming the yard where hawks can swoop down and get them). Turns out a possum had gotten in and the chickens were scared, hence the noise. Fast forward to this afternoon.I left work a little early and got home just a few minutes before Will. I was resting my eyeballs for a few minutes (remember that awesome middle of the night wake up call). I heard him come home and he came upstairs. "Did you just hear that screaming?" he asked me. I said yes, but I thought it was a neighbor kid running around. Just so you know, his neighbors aren't close and I don't think any of them have small children that would be yelling like they were enjoying a summer afternoon. He handed me his phone and said, "we may have lost a chicken." The picture he was showing me was of a hawk, standing over his prey. This hawk looked pretty pissed that his picture was being taken. Turns out the hawk had gotten a bunny, not a chicken. These are now the things that occur during my days. A little different than just hearing trax run by my house every half hour or hearing my neighbor's dog bark constantly. Farm life.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

So....this happened

As I went to resurrect this blog, I realized it's been two years, to the day, since I last posted. Lots has happened since then. I won't try to catch up. Rather, I'll just start again with the new adventures that have begun. I married this guy. He is truly my best friend and I'm lucky I met him last year. We got married in Utah about a month and a half ago. We have since moved to Massachusetts (into his house) and are starting our new adventure as a married couple. There's plenty of adjustment on my end. I left my family and friends and came to a new place where I don't know anyone or anything around me. I have some bad days, but for the most part it's good. I'm now able to get to and from work without using GPS. Which is a big thing for me. I am still, however, trying to get used to my commute. I came from working right near work. I took back roads to work and it took me 10 minutes. 15 on a bad day. My commute is now an hour. On a good day. That is rough for me. I'm not used to being in the car over 2 hours. Every day. I have discovered books on tape and so far, that is helping. Side note: Ready Player One was a great book. Sadly it was 15 hours and it only took me two weeks to get through. Ha! If that gives you any further indication of how much time I spend in my car now. Speaking of work, yes, I did get a job out here. Which, I am grateful for. It is nice to have a job and be getting a paycheck. I still need to figure out what I'm going to be doing with school, if I'm going to try and continue out here. For now, I'm working and trying to get accustomed to traffic. There are many changes that have come into my life all at once. Marriage, moving, a new job, new ward, new people. I'd like to say it's all been sunshine and rainbows, but it hasn't. In fact, as I sit here and type this, it's currently raining outside. See what I did there? I'm funny. In all reality, it's good, but it's an adjustment. I miss my family terribly and the fact that I'm so far away from them. I knew I was close to my family, but moving across the country and not having them a mere 10 miles away has been a rough realization for me. I'm missing out on little things that I would have always attended while in Utah. I used to see my family at least once a week, in some form or another and now it's all about phone calls, texts and FaceTime. Thank you, technology, for letting me remain connected to my family. And it is because of that technology, that I thought I'd try and write on this again. To try and let my family know what's happening in my life and maybe have an outlet in the form of writing, for me.